Modifizierte 3040t CNC Fräse


After several tries of building a CNC Mill I realized I just don't know enough yet about precise working to build one.

The next good thing was to get one of those "cheap" CNC mills straight from China and modify it for my needs.

The 3040T, wich is available in numerous versions on Ebay is a good starting point for this.

Upgrades are:


  • Z-axis: I installed a Kress 1050 and a more rigid mount in general
  • Tool-bed: added a sacrificial plywood board with M8 inserts to make clamping down a lot easier
  • Limit switches
  • Electronics: Parallel Port to USB (GRBL) conversion, as well as a relay for the spindle
  • A construction underneath that houses all the electronics and got space for accessories 


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